can a tv soap change your life? perhaps only if you’re seriously nutty. or because there are many things that happen on heaven and earth and the ether we know not much of which are impossible to understand. okay, i am rambling. thing is, a tv show did change my life… most importantly, it propelled me, no pushed me really, to write. write what? anything, everything… just write. it got me to finally understand, this is what i really want to do.

the fanfiction here is really a tribute to this show. i hope you enjoy it. it’s utterly a fan’s perspective… i always think of fan writing as humming a song you like, giving it your own touches, having fun, quietly, happily.

many thanks to the original copyright owners of this show and all the creative material. hope the hum sounds good.




without you

not cut out for love


short and sweet… oneshots

by my side

a monsoon story


the chance of a kiss

a fairytale romance

what does the night say… a valentine’s day story

i dreamt i met a man called…: a love story, sort of.

the break of day

no media, please.



short story

ncofl… never on a new year ~ chapter 1

ncofl… never on a new year ~ chapter 2

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 3

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 4

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 5

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 6

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 7

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 8

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 9

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 10

ncofl… never on a new year: chapter 11

ncofl… never on a new year: epilogue


indrani’s index