a story along a quiet arc in the thames
how you never really know a story, do you? i was probably 11 when i heard about lord profumo and ...

an april day in london
the sweet cloying smell of weed, where was it coming from? and why was it invading oxford street? the lady ...

i hold you with my thoughtsand you’re therefrowning even though all is wellwe laugh about some silly thingwe’ve been angry ...

“…’s word was different.”
"...'s word was different." with those words on a whatsapp chat began the loss of good fun this morning, just ...

a picture taken
when you were okwhen you didn’t have a knot ofwaylaid blood and warlord cellsbringing chaos into being inside youwhen we ...

ferrari lover
in a dark dark time he cameextra wattage light held in a cheeky grinny smilefrom a land i’ve met long ...

you laughed in my dream
you laughed in my dream and said, i like your friendsi found myself smiling in my sleepmy eyes have to ...

his forever…
his forever was wrought by a miserly handa fistful of time slipping through merely sandeternity hewn, chiselled by whim, or ...

refugee again
when clouds gather in the sky, darkenrumbles knock against the heart, harkenlisten you mayn’t but can you not hear?see you ...

droplets, breath, air?
droplets, breath, air?a virus that spreads through indifferencethat laughs out loud, and multiplieson seeing overconfidencea virus that thrives on ignorancegrowing, ...

a few lines on a scene I saw while walking that morning
the sun was dancey sliversin the shine of the waterdisappearingat the tilt of the earth the water shined onalone again ...